Natural sights

VedenjakajaReitistö, kauniin karua luontoa vaeltaen tai pyöräillen.

Kukkaroniemen kumpumoreenit ovat osa Pieksämäen Suomen tiheintä drumliniesiintymää.

Kalastusretkiä alueellamme ja tilauksesta muillakin paikkakunnilla järjestää Kalamania Oy.

Jäppilän Kivikuru

  • Jäppilä kivikuru

    A large field of jagged rocks, also called Devil’s Field, was formed after the Ice Age and is suitable for independent hiking. The area is a surprisingly large field of jagged rocks for Southern Finland’s conditions. Due to its acoustics, concerts have also been organised there.
    The site is located by the road from Jäppilä to Leppävirta via Sorsakoski. One of the 100 natural wonders in Finland (chosen by the FANC).

  • Linnakivi

    Mataramäentie 850

    Finland’s second largest rock transported by the ice age to the area of Pieksämäki in Mataramäki.

  • TELEKKÄ -a lean-to and a bird watching tower

    FIN-77690 SUONTEE

    Tel. +35850 558 8017 / Mr. Asko Siikanen

    A lean-to and a bird watching tower on the shores of Pieksämäki’s Lake Tuomiojärvi, which is known for the richest bird population in Southern Savo.