Conference rooms

Pappilatunnelmaan pääsee Pöyhölän Pappilan pääsalissa. Juhla- ja kokouskäyttöön löytyy pappilan pihapiiristä kesäisin käytettäväksi kivinavetta ja ympärivuotisesti erillinen kokousrakennus. Kesälounas keskiviikosta perjantaihin.

Pieksämäen Veturitorilla juhlat, kokoukset, konsertit, liikuntatapahtumat ja messut järjestät vaivattomasti. Upealla tilalla on korkeutta hulppeat 10 metriä ja kokoa 1 850 m2.

Ukko Bistro & Deli Veturitalleilla sopii myös kokouksiin. Kokousnurkkauksen lisäksi jopa puolet salista on erotettavissa verhoilla kokoustilaksi.

Partaharjukeskuksessa on useita erikokoisia kokoustiloja mm. päärakennuksen Vaakunasali, joissa järjestät tunnelmalliset juhlat tai kokouksen.

Ysimajojen ravintolasalista avautuu upea järvimaisema Vangasjärvelle. Tila sopii juhlien, kokousten tai koulutusten järjestämiseen jopa 200 hengelle.

Viinikellari täydentää AnolaKeskuksen kokous- ja juhlatilavalikoimaa. Rakennuksen yläkerrasta löytyvät myös tilaussaunat.

Nokkalan Käräjätalo tarjoaa idyllisen juhla- ja kokoustilan monenlaisiin tilaisuuksiin.

Kokous- ja juhlatila Kurssila täydentää Nikkarilan kokous-, koulutus- ja juhlatilatarjontaa.

Lomatrio alakerrassa sijaitsee ravintolasali sekä erillinen kokous- ja koulutustila. Kokoustilaa 20 hengelle myös erillisessä rantasaunarakennuksessa.

  • ABC Pieksämäki

    Vehkanotko 2
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35810 764 1280

    Modern traffic stop at the crossroads of road 72 and Länsiväylä. The restaurant has 160 seats and a summer terrace c. 60 seats. Food and coffee catering by appointment, as well. Tasty buffet table, á la Carte menu and ABC burgers. The same building also houses a Sale shop. Open every day 6am-9pm.

  • AnolaKeskus

    Suonenjoentie 522
    76100 Pieksämäki

    The Anola cafe-restaurant, which is open in the summer, is situated by Lake Pieksänjärvi close to highway 72 along the cycling path between the city and Vaalijala. The market place is about six kilometres away. The premises are available to rent – one floor, two floors or the whole house. You can choose between the cafe-restaurant with a glass porch, the wine cellar downstairs or the sauna and meeting facilities upstairs. In the summertime, alcoholic beverages are only sold by licence, but from autumn to spring you may bring also your own drinks.

  • Asemaraitti 2ndfloor conference and sauna rooms

    Asemaraitti, 2nd floor
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +358500 579 544

    Conference and sauna rooms for c. 16 persons, group room for 12 persons.

  • Kartanomajoitus Sofia & Angelique

    Pyhityntie 45
    FIN-76620 Pyhitty

    Tel. +35841 317 4756
    Groups and conferences: Minna Pulliainen +35844 334 9075 / Kartanomajoitus Sofia & Angelique

    Kartanomajoitus Sofia & Angelique provides accommodation services on the countryside but yet near the town. The City of Pieksämäki is about 4 km away. Altogether there are 10 rooms, of which five double rooms in the house Asuntola and five in the house Pohjola. Pohjola also has a breakfast room as well as a festival hall.
    Guests can make their own breakfast or order the breakfast of the house for a separate price. The houses have free wifi.
    Groups, meeting participants, invited guests and individual tourists are warmly welcome throughout the year.

  • Keskuskatu 30 sauna facilities

    Keskuskatu 30
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Additional information: Vesa Rissanen +358500 672 964, Hannu Taavitsainen +358500 212 550

    Sauna and meeting places for c. 12 persons (max 20 persons). Rent Mon-Thu 90 e / Fri-Sun 140 e / booking (mention also if towels are needed and how many). Meeting place 50 e / c. 3 hours. Keys against booking confirmation at Filmtown, Keskuskatu 30, 050 592 5369 or Teboil Kontiopuisto, Kaakinmäenkatu 13-17.

  • Kukkaroniemen mökki (cottage)

    Kukkaroniementie 430
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Additional information and booking: +35844 596 3433

    Sauna and meeting places for max 15 persons c. 4 km from city center. WLAN, Smart-TV. Suitable also for small conferences and celebrations with or without sauna. Also accommondation in a separate building.

  • Kulttuurikeskus Poleeni (Cultural Centre)

    Savontie 13
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35844 388 3413 or +35844 799 5240
    Catering for conferences can be arranged from the Poleeni café Tel. +358440 481 062.

    Two conference spaces: a 342 seat theatre/concert hall/cinema, which is also suited for congresses, meeting room Uino for c. 60 persons and a room for 65 persons (divisible into two rooms for 35 persons each). Additionally, there is exhibition space, library, café, cellar theatre, small meeting room and the Lippupalvelu nationwide ticket service.

  • Lomatrio

    Kangasniementie 18
    FIN-76850 Naarajärvi

    Tel. +35840 504 8648

    The Lomatrio camping grounds are about 5 km from the centre of Pieksämäki. The grounds include a café-restaurant (170 seats), a rentable sauna, cooking facilities and a swimming beach. Conference space: the 240 seat ground floor restaurant (full liquor license) of the service station, the rent sauna with a meeting/fireplace room for about 20 persons. Catering by prior order. Tasty lunch every day.

  • Nami Bakery & Catering 

    Tiina Räsänen tel. +358 440 565 742

    Catering and bakery. Catering in Käräjätalo (Nokkalantie 8, 76100 Pieksämäki) or in clients own premises. Bakery product by order. Reservations for Käräjätalo.

  • Nikkarila

    Metsäopistontie 100
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Accommondation, conference spaces and programme services: +35845 660 1553 / Esko Sinkkonen
    Catering and celebrations: Nikkarila’s kitchen
    Tel. +35840 028 2494

    Different size conference and meeting rooms for groups. Catering by prior order. Also accommondation for groups maximum 100 persons. Regular and beach saunas and also a smoked sauna.

  • Nokkalan Käräjätalo

    Tiina Räsänen
    Tel. +358440 565 742

    Nokkalan Käräjätalo provides idyllic premises full of history for organizing different festivities and for example meetings. The rural milieu is situated in Pieksämäki, only 1.5 km from the city centre.

  • Paltasen Pysäkki

    Syrjätie 2
    FIN-77110 Paltanen

    Contact persons: Mervi Lintunen Tel. +35840 960 7976 , Susanna Räisänen Tel. +35844 272 3012

    Paltasen kyläyhdistys ry (the Paltanen village association) rents out the fully renovated Paltasen Pysäkki for meetings and celebrations. About 17 km from Pieksämäki towards Jyväskylä, the rooms accommodate 10-50 people and offer a fully equipped kitchen, wheelchair accessible wc and a composting outhouse. Prices: Small conference room (18 m²) + kitchen (12 m²) = € 30 per session (3 h), small conference room + kitchen + room for celebrations (58 m2) = 50 € ( 4 h) ja 80 € (over 4 h).

  • Partaharjukeskus

    Partaharjuntie 361
    FIN-76280 Partaharju

    Tel. +35840 554 2801, booking +35844 725 4124

    Partaharjukeskus is on the shore of lake Salvonen 6 km from central Pieksämäki. Accommodation, dining, training and conference services. Eight conference rooms for 10-130 people (classrooms, halls). Catering by prior order. The kitchen’s specialities are experience, wilderness and nature meals. Cafe Reppukahvio.

  • Pirjo ja Kari Lappi

    Tel. +35850 524 2162, +358500 947 872 (Target 7559)

    Two home quality cottages suitable for winter living in Hietakylä of Jäppilä on the shore of lake Suonne ca. 30 km from Pieksämäki. Distance to closest services 10 km. Hermannin Huvila has sleeping room and mattresses for 8 people. The cottage has 2 bedrooms, a loft, living room, kitchen, sauna, washing and dressing room, WC. Usually rented to Germans. Villa Hermanni offers accommodation for at most 12 people. The cottage has a large living room, 4 bedrooms, a living/sleeping loft, sauna,  washing and dressing room, indoor WC, TV, radio, electric heating, fireplace etc. Lomarengas classification: Four stars.

  • Pöyhölän Pappila

    Pöyhöläntie 170
    FIN-76620 Pyhitty

    Tel. +358 50 307 8387 / Minna Vihonen

    Pöyhölän Pappila is idyllic built in 1820 priest’s home, which is situated 6 km from the center of Pieksämäki. For meetings and education courses Pappila offers a special building, where can stay near 32 persons. Here you can organize also meetings for bigger groups. According to reservations – food and coffee services. Place also fits for organizing of family celebrations. Company also serves celebrations in client’s own places, bakes tasty cakes and cooks another food. Home delivery. A-class alcohol license.

  • Restaurant HiiliWille

    Sarkaniementie 90
    FIN-77430 Siikamäki

    Tel. +358400 176315, +35840 550 2547

    Restaurant HiiliWille offers rooms for meeting and education courses in peacefull, natural, surrounded by tar smell place. Hall for 30 places, where is a video screen, projector and broadcast ability.

  • Restaurant Taica

    Keskuskatu 16
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Meeting room for 20 persons. Rent 40 e / 2 h, additional hours 10 e / h. Dining and coffee by prior arrangement. Invoicing for companies (inform the invoicing address before the event).
    Open Mo-Sa 10.30 am – 10 pm, Su 12 am- 10 pm.

  • Seurakuntaopisto

    Huvilakatu 31
    FIN-76130 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +358207 542 606 / premise rental secretary Timo Oranen

    Auditorium for 320 people, classrooms for 10-80 people. Dining and coffee by prior arrangement.

  • Seurojentalo, Savon Kilta ry

    Savontie 70
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +358440 255 256 or +35850 382 8812

    A historical building from 1909 in the centre of Pieksämäki, owned and restored by Savon Kilta ry. Large hall for 150 persons, stage, café with 40 seats, teamwork room for about 10 people. Catering by prior arrangement.

  • UKKO Bistro & Deli (restaurant)

    Tallikankaankatu 3
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35810 764 2480
    Group reservations and inquiries from sales service tel. 010 764 2000 (0.0835 €/call + 0.1209 €/min.) or

    UKKO Bistro & Deli is a new unique cafe-restaurant concept at Veturitallit in Pieksämäki. The setting is magnificently rustic – you will enjoy your stay there from morning till evening. The selection of UKKO Bistro & Deli provides you with wonderful cafe products as well as fresh lunch and tasty á la carte delicacies.
    The premises are suitable for small relaxed meetings or cosy family or company gatherings. Open Mon-Thu 9-20 / cafe 9-18, Fri-Sat 9-23 / cafe 9-18, Sun 11-19 / cafe 11-17 (lunch on weekdays 10.30-14, á la carte on weekdays from 14.00 and weekends from 11.00).

  • Veturitori

    Tallikankaankatu 3
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Booking: Kulttuurikeskus Poleeni
    Tel. +358044 388 3413 or +35844 799 5240

    A versatile venue right at the centre of town in the immediate vicinity of the station and the market square. The 1 850 m2 venue is excellent for arranging concerts, fairs and events for education, exercise and celebrations. The venue holds a maximum of 1 600 people at once. The balconies that go around Veturitori provide even more room during events. Extra equipment and technical services can be arranged per request. The performers have a great green room area.

  • Ysimajat

    Uistinkuja 6
    FIN-76150 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35850 518 7640

    Moteltype accommodation beautifully situated on the shore of Lake Vangasjärvi. The apartments have beds for 4-6 persons.
    Kitchen-livingroom for self-catering.
    In addition, an assembly hall for about 100 people. Meetings/courses also possible, also for smaller groups.
    Sauna by the lake, hot tub and grill hut.