Catering services

Ukko Bistro & Deli Veturitalleilla

Gastropubi Hilpeä Hospodar

Partaharjukeskuksessa on useita erikokoisia kokoustiloja, joista kuvassa päärakennuksen Vaakunasali.

Jäppilän Kievari – Amerikan herkkuja

Pappilatunnelmaan pääsee Pöyhölän Pappilan pääsalissa. Juhla- ja kokouskäyttöön löytyy pappilan pihapiiristä kesäisin käytettäväksi kivinavetta ja ympärivuotisesti lisäksi erillinen kokousrakennus.


Kokous- ja juhlatila Kurssila täydentää Nikkarilan kokous-, koulutus- ja juhlatilatarjontaa.

  • Häkkilän tila

    Heinälammentie 50
    FIN-77120 Venetmäki

    Tel. +358044 986 1765 / Marianne Häkkinen

    A good old inn building which is let out for parties or celebrations by agreement. The main building has room for 50 persons and up-to-date kitchens. In summer we have banqueting halls with tables set for 150 persons in an old stone cowshed. Horses, carriages, music and other entertainment services with partners.

  • Helena Tullinen

    Tel. +35850 3454360

    Catering and each client’s happening’s organization. For example, birthday parties, funeral repasts, meetings and “little Christmas” parties.

  • Jäppilän Kievari/JKstreetfood

    Jäppilän Kirkkotie 3
    FIN-77570 Jäppilä

    We can host your private parties at our scenic Savo location with lakefront dining and the old charm of Kievari’s Tavern. We also do catering to your location and “fingerlickin good eats”  at events with our mobile streetfoodkitchen. We can set the tables with slowly smoked or flame grilled meats and Cajun specialties, or traditional local cuisine as well. Please inquire how we can make your party a culinary delight!

  • Kafé Villa

    Virastotie 2
    FIN-77330 Virtasalmi

    Tel. +358500 678100

    Summer cafe, festivity and meeting room. Open 2.4.-16.8. Mon-Fri 9am-3pm, other times by appointment. Home made lunch 11am-1pm. Catering services by appointment to customer’s own celebrations.

  • Kotilounas K&K Oy

    Kuusitie 41
    FIN-76120 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35844 976 6244

  • Kulttuurikahvila Poleeni (Cultural café Poleeni)

    Savontie 13
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Café tel. +35844 0481062
    Poleeni ticket sale tel. +358400 855614

    Catering for meetings and events in Cultural Center Poleeni on request. Reservations and orders from the café.

  • Lomatrio

    Kangasniementie 18
    FIN-76850 Naarajärvi

    Tel. Puh. 040 5048648

    Lomatrio is about 5 km from the centre of Pieksämäki. The area has a 170 seat café-restaurant, a sauna for rent and a swimming beach. Congress facilities: the service station’s 240 seat downstairs restaurant with full alcohol license. Sauna to rent with two saunas and a fireplace room for about 20 people. Catering for meetings on request. Tasty and not expensive lunch every day.

  • Nami Bakery & Catering 

    Tiina Räsänen tel. +358 440 565 742

    Catering and bakery. Catering in Käräjätalo (Nokkalantie 8, 76100 Pieksämäki) or in clients own premises. Bakery product by order. Reservations for Käräjätalo.

  • Nikkarila

    Metsäopistontie 100
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Accommondation, conference rooms and programme services: +35845 660 1553 / Esko Sinkkonen
    Catering and celebrations: Nikkarila’s kitchen
    Tel. +35840 028 2494

    Different size conference and meeting rooms for groups. Catering by prior order. Also accommondation for groups. Regular and beach saunas and also a smoked sauna.

  • Partaharjukeskus

    Partaharjuntie 361
    FIN-76280 Partaharju

    Tel. +35844 725 4124

    On the shore of lake Salvosjärvi 6 km from the centre of Pieksämäki. Partaharjukeskus offers accommodation, restaurant, training and congress services. The kitchen’s (booking restaurant) speciality are adventure, wilderness and nature meals. 8 meeting rooms for 10-130 persons. Catering by prior reservation.

  • Pito- ja juhlapalvelu Kauppinen

    Haapakuja 1-7 as 1
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Business events, family happenings, nature and wilderness meals, chef leasing. We also procure other services connected with such events.

  • Ravintola HiiliWille

    Sarkaniementie 90
    FIN-77430 Siikamäki

    Tel. +358400 176 315 or +35840 550 2547 /
    Mrs. Henna Laitinen-Taipale and Mr. Sauli Taipale

  • Restaurant Viikuna

    Huvilakatu 31
    FIN-76130 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +358400 944 059

    Restaurant is opened on the work days from 7.30 and offers lunch from 10.30 to 12.30. We also cook takeaway food and offer our places for meetings and sauna. In the evenings and weekends we are opened according to reservations. There are places for 160 persons in the restaurant, in whole our place can hold 1000 people.

  • SantsiKahvi (Café-lunch restaurant)

    Länsiväylä 3
    FIN-76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35844 239 7650

    Café-lunch restaurant for c. 30 persons. Catering for meetings by appointment. Open Mon-Fr 6am-6pm, Sa 8am-6pm. Lunch 10.30am-1pm on weekdays.

  • Sinikka Oinas

    Tuomelantie 21 B 3
    FIN-76150 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35840 753 4286

    Catering services by appointment to customer’s own celebrations.

  • UKKO Bistro & Deli

    Tallikankaankatu 3
    FI- 76100 Pieksämäki

    Tel. +35810 764 2480
    Group reservations and inquiries from sales service tel. +35810 764 2000 (0.0835 €/call + 0.1209 €/min.) or

    UKKO Bistro & Deli is a new unique cafe-restaurant concept at Veturitallit in Pieksämäki. The setting is magnificently rustic – you will enjoy your stay there from morning till evening.
    The selection of UKKO Bistro & Deli provides you with wonderful cafe products as well as fresh lunch and tasty á la carte delicacies.
    The premises are suitable for small relaxed meetings or cosy family or company gatherings.

  • Ysimajat

    Uistinkuja 6
    FIN-76150 Pieksämäki

    Motel accommodation beautifully situated on the shore of Lake Vangasjärvi. The apartments have beds for 4-6 persons.
    Kitchen-livingroom for self-catering.
    In addition, an assembly hall for about 100 people. Meetings/courses also possible, also for smaller groups. Lunch on weekdays